Art Classes

Intro to Art
9-12th grades
One Semester
This course meets the credit toward VPAA graduation requirements.
Students of all art levels will discover their creative abilities as they work in a wide range of two-and three dimensional art media. These include ceramics, drawing, painting, printmaking, and sculpture. Students will explore cultural and historical artwork as it relates to their own art making. This course is required before taking any advanced art classes. There is a $20.00 request for lab fees.
Ceramics I and II
9-12th grades
One Semester
Required background course: Introduction to Art
This course meets the credit toward VPAA graduation requirements.
Using their hands and various tools, such as the slab roller, potter’s wheel and clay extruder, students will build, alter, fire, and glaze a number of expressive forms in clay, expanding the knowledge of clay techniques they began in Introduction to Art. Students will explore how to express ideas in three dimensional form. There is a $20.00 request for lab fees.
Advanced Ceramics III
9-12th grades
One Semester
Required background course: Introduction to Art; Ceramics I & II
This course meets the credit toward VPAA graduation requirements.
Students enrolled in Advanced Ceramics will establish independent goals that focus on the creation of sophisticated works of Ceramics art. Once approved by the instructor, various hand building, wheel throwing and firing techniques will be available for students to complete their individual creative plans. This class may be taken more than once. There is a $20.00 request for lab fees.
Fiber Arts
9th-12th grades
One Semester
Required background course: Introduction to Art (This class may be taken more than once)
This course meets the credit toward VPAA graduation requirements.
The fiber arts course studies the elements and principles of art and design and how they are used within the genre of Fiber arts. We will look at contemporary and historical art practices that use fibers as the medium through which artists create meaning. These art forms include felting, embroidery, weaving, sewing, and quilting to create visual art pieces and functional art. There is a $20.00 request for lab fees.
9th-12th grades
One Semester
Required background course: Introduction to Art (This class may be taken more than once)
This course meets the credit toward VPAA graduation requirements.
In sculpture students will learn about various techniques to address three dimensional form by designing and creating dynamic sculptures in a variety of media, including wire, plaster, wood, fiber, plasticine, and metal. This course challenges students to think about space as part of the solution to open ended problems based on classic and contemporary art. There is a $20.00 request for lab fees.
9th-12th grades
One Semester
Required background course: Introduction to Art (This class may be taken more than once)
This course meets the credit toward VPAA graduation requirements.
What do Shepard Fairey, Warhol, Banksy, and Picasso have in common? Printmaking! In this class students will explore contemporary forms of printmaking and learn traditional techniques. From stencils and relief printing to silkscreen and collagraphs, students will design and create original works of art focusing on composition and design. There is a $20.00 request for lab fees.
Digital Art and Computer Design
9th-12th grades
One Semester
Required background course: Introduction to Art (This class may be taken more than once)
This course meets the credit toward VPAA graduation requirements.
Using digital media, students of all skill levels will explore contemporary ideas in art and art making through this project based course. Students will explore photography and digital art working with emerging trends and traditional techniques to compose and publish their own photographic images in a variety of media. In a digital darkroom environment, we will get experience with traditional prints & large-format prints, transfers, and multi format digital applications.
Students will have access to digital still and video cameras, graphic tablets, and industry-standard software, including Adobe Premiere, Photoshop, Illustrator, Painter, and Flash. From brainstorm to story board and exported product, students will learn the process of creating visually engaging video projects and animations.
There is a $20.00 request for lab fees.
Drawing and Painting
9th-12th grades
One Semester
Required background course: Introduction to Art A (This class may be taken more than once)
This course meets the credit toward VPAA graduation requirements.
This class is designed for any student who wants to draw – they will use their imagination and creativity to experiment with various painting, drawing, and mixed media techniques while taking part in exercises geared to expand students’ artistic vision. Media include pencil, collage, oil pastels, colored pencils, watercolor, and acrylic paint. All elements and principles of drawing and painting will be covered. Students may take this course more than one time, as this course offers advanced levels of drawing and painting. There is a $20.00 request for lab fees.
Design Arts
10th-12th grades
One Semester
Required background course: Introduction to Art A or B (This class may be taken more than once)
This course meets the credit toward VPAA graduation requirements
When offered, this class explores how certain areas of design are pursued, while creating exciting new trends within areas of study, such as: Graphic Design, Product Design, Logo Design, Branding, Advertising and Web Design. Students will acquire real-world experience by getting accustomed to a workplace-like environment, using creative thinking to solve problems with innovation, and how to work as part of a team in order to complete tasks on a deadline. There is a $20.00 request for lab fees.
AP Art History
11th-12th grades
Two Semesters
Required background course: Permission of the instructor
This course meets the credit toward VPAA graduation requirements.
When offered, this class offers an overview of the history of art from prehistoric times to the present, this course utilizes slide and web presentations, written information, and museum visits. Requirements include the preparation of several written reports, an extensive catalogue, and a final examination at the close of the course, which can result in college credit.
AP Studio Art: Drawing Portfolio/2-D Design Portfolio/3-D Design Portfolio
10th-12th grades
Two Semesters
Required background course: Signed permission of the instructor
This course meets the credit toward VPAA graduation requirements.
Intended for highly motivated art students, the AP program sets a national standard for performance in the visual arts. Students may earn 3-5 college credits, depending on the evaluation and the university’s standards. Students must have the permission of the instructor prior to signing up. An informational meeting will be held in the spring regarding the requirements for this course.
IB Visual Art SL
11th-12th grades
Two Semesters
Required background course: Signed permission of the instructor
This course meets the credit toward VPAA graduation requirements.
This IB Art course is designed to give students an opportunity to develop and present a personal visual art statement contained in a body of work and a research workbook. Students will be expected to incorporate acquired skills, a variety of media and methods, critical thinking, increased awareness of both immediate and global environment; imagination and creativity. Art history, criticism and aesthetics will be an integral part of the curriculum.
An important aspect of the IB Art program is the Research Workbook. The Research Workbook should serve as a journal documenting the student’s investigations into artists and art movements, their thought processes and creative progress. It is an excellent resource for their studio work. Assessment is based on Studio Assignment and Research Workbook rubrics from the International Baccalaureate. Participation and attendance are also factored into the course grade.
In class assessment is based on Studio Assignment and Research Workbook rubrics from the International Baccalaureate. Participation and attendance are also factored into the course grade. External assessment includes • 8-12 IB Studio pieces, (60%), • 15-20 photocopied Research Workbook pages (40%)
Lab fee: $20.00, hard bound sketchbook
IB Visual Art HL
11th-12th grades
Four Semesters
Required background course: Signed permission of the instructor
This course meets the credit toward VPAA graduation requirements.
This IB Art course is designed to give students an opportunity to develop and present a personal visual art statement contained in a body of work and a research workbook. Students will be expected to incorporate acquired skills, a variety of media and methods, critical thinking, increased awareness of both immediate and global environment; imagination and creativity. Art history, criticism and aesthetics will be an integral part of the curriculum.
An important aspect of the IB Art program is the Research Workbook. The Research Workbook should serve as a journal documenting the student’s investigations into artists and art movements, their thought processes and creative progress. It is an excellent resource for their studio work. Assessment is based on Studio Assignment and Research Workbook rubrics from the International Baccalaureate. Participation and attendance are also factored into the course grade.
In class assessment is based on Studio Assignment and Research Workbook rubrics from the International Baccalaureate. Participation and attendance are also factored into the course grade. • 12 – 18 IB (60%)• 25 – 30 photocopied Research Workbook pages, (40%), • Written statement and IB Record Booklet
• Exhibition with visiting IB examiner • Interview with visiting IB examiner
Lab fee: $20.00, hard bound sketchbook