Physical Wellness Classes

Successful Living
9th grade
One Semester
Behaviors you choose today affect the quality of the life you live tomorrow. Successful Living is a health class that will focus on different aspects of mental/emotional wellness, physical wellness, social wellness (including anger management and relationships), substance use, reproductive health and Michigan Laws. This class also fulfills the reproductive health requirement from the State of Michigan, as well as half of the physical education requirement needed for graduation. West Ottawa believes in abstinence as the healthiest choice.
10th - 12th grade (This class is for students who did not take Successful Living in their freshman year or did not earn credit for Successful Living.)
One Semester
Behaviors you choose today affect the quality of the life you live tomorrow. Successful Living is a health class that will focus on different aspects of mental/emotional wellness, physical wellness, social wellness (including anger management and relationships), substance use, reproductive health and Michigan Laws. This class also fulfills the reproductive health requirement from the State of Michigan, as well as half of the physical education requirement needed for graduation. West Ottawa believes in abstinence as the healthiest choice.
Introduction to Strength & Conditioning--Male
9th-12th Grades
1 semester
This course is a prerequisite for the Advanced Strength & Conditioning and Peak Performance courses. It is meant for students who have little to no experience in Strength Training and Conditioning. Introduction to Strength and Conditioning is a dynamic course that focuses on mastering the proper form and technique used for basic lifts to prepare the student to safely and effectively lift weights. Emphasis will include core strength, speed and agility, conditioning, flexibility, and mobility. Pre and Post testing will be completed and evaluated to track student’s progress in the areas of strength, speed, and power. This course is designed for students with a strong desire in improving their strength, speed, and agility as well as preparing them for Advanced Strength & Conditioning. Incoming West Ottawa athletes are highly encouraged to take a Strength and Conditioning class. All physical wellness classes incorporate fitness testing such as the mile run, push up test, sit up test, and flexibility. Knowledge based assessments are also included.
Introduction to Strength & Conditioning--Female
9th-12th Grades
1 semester
This course is a prerequisite for the Advanced Strength & Conditioning and Peak Performance courses. It is meant for students who have little to no experience in Strength Training and Conditioning. Introduction to Strength and Conditioning is a dynamic course that focuses on mastering the proper form and technique used for basic lifts to prepare the student to safely and effectively lift weights. Emphasis will include core strength, speed and agility, conditioning, flexibility, and mobility. Pre and Post testing will be completed and evaluated to track student’s progress in the areas of strength, speed, and power. This course is designed for students with a strong desire in improving their strength, speed, and agility as well as preparing them for Advanced Strength & Conditioning. Incoming West Ottawa athletes are highly encouraged to take a Strength and Conditioning class. All physical wellness classes incorporate fitness testing such as the mile run, push up test, sit up test, and flexibility. Knowledge based assessments are also included.
Advanced Strength & Conditioning
10th-12th Grades
1 Semester
Required Background Course: Introduction to Strength & Conditioning
This course is designed for students who have already taken Introduction to Strength and Conditioning and expect to be highly active on a daily basis with the goal of improving their strength and fitness through high intensity workouts. Students will be able to foster improvement in the areas of strength, speed, power, flexibility, agility, and muscular/cardiovascular endurance. Pre and Post testing will be completed and evaluated to track student’s progress in the areas of strength, speed, and power. This course may be taken more than once. West Ottawa athletes are highly encouraged to take this class after taking the Introduction to Strength and Conditioning. All physical wellness classes incorporate fitness testing such as the mile run, push up test, sit up test, and flexibility. Knowledge based assessments are also included.
Peak Performance - Athletic Preparation
10th-12th Grades
1 Semester
Introduction to Strength & Conditioning OR Advanced Strength and Conditioning
Only available to WOHS athletes OR non-athletes with approval from the instructor
This is an intense course designed to meet the needs of the serious athlete. This course will provide each individual with programs that will foster improvement in the areas of strength, power, flexibility, mobility, speed, agility, and muscular/cardiovascular endurance. Proper nutrition and sleep habits will be addressed. Pre- and post-testing in the areas of upper and lower body strength, power, speed, and agility will be recorded and evaluated. Form running and advanced running techniques will be taught as part of the speed development unit. Student-athletes will benefit from the opportunity to improve strength and conditioning during school hours while having additional time for enhancing academic responsibility and accountability outside of school. This course may be taken more than once. All Physical Wellness classes incorporate Fitness testing.
Peak Performance - FOOTBALL - Athletic Preparation
10th-12th Grades
1 Semester
Introduction to Strength & Conditioning OR Advanced Strength and Conditioning
Only available to WOHS FOOTBALL athletes OR non-athletes with approval from the instructor
This is an intense course designed to meet the needs of the serious football athlete. This course will provide each individual with programs that will foster improvement in the areas of strength, power, flexibility, mobility, speed, agility, and muscular/cardiovascular endurance. Proper nutrition and sleep habits will be addressed. Pre- and post-testing in the areas of upper and lower body strength, power, speed, and agility will be recorded and evaluated. Form running and advanced running techniques will be taught as part of the speed development unit. Student-athletes will benefit from the opportunity to improve strength and conditioning during school hours while having additional time for enhancing academic responsibility and accountability outside of school. This course may be taken more than once. All Physical Wellness classes incorporate Fitness testing.
Team Sports Fitness - Women 9-12
9th-12th grades
One Semester
This class is for 9th -12th grade female students. This course is designed for students interested in participating in a variety of team sport activities. Students will learn and demonstrate competency in the knowledge and skills necessary to participate in each sport activity. Possible units may include: soccer, flag football/ rugby, speedball, basketball, volleyball, floor hockey, ultimate frisbee, lacrosse, and team handball and others. Fitness concepts and activities will also be embedded throughout the course. All physical wellness classes incorporate fitness testing such as the mile run, push up test, sit up test, and flexibility. Knowledge based assessments are also included.
Team Sports Fitness - Men 9-10
9th-10th grades
One Semester
This class is for 9th and 10th grade male students. This course is designed for students interested in participating in a variety of team sport activities. Students will learn and demonstrate competency in the knowledge and skills necessary to participate in each sport activity. Possible units may include: soccer, flag football/ rugby, speedball, basketball, volleyball, floor hockey, ultimate frisbee, lacrosse, and team handball. Fitness concepts and activities will also be embedded throughout the course. All physical wellness classes incorporate fitness testing such as the mile run, push up test, sit up test, and flexibility. Knowledge based assessments are also included.
Team Sports Fitness – Men 11-12
11th-12th grades
One Semester
This class is for 11th and 12th grade male students. This course is designed for students interested in participating in a variety of team sport activities. Students will learn and demonstrate competency in the knowledge and skills necessary to participate in each sport activity. Possible units may include: soccer, flag football/rugby, speedball, basketball, volleyball, floor hockey, ultimate frisbee, lacrosse, and team handball. Fitness concepts and activities will also be embedded throughout the course. All physical wellness classes incorporate fitness testing such as the mile run, push up test, sit up test, and flexibility. Knowledge based assessments are also included.
Aerobics/Body Sculpting (Health Club Fitness)
9th-12th grades
One Semester
This class covers a variety of fitness activities typically offered at health clubs. Activities may include hi/lo impact aerobics, step aerobics, dance patterns, Pilates, yoga, exercise ball, and kickboxing. Numerous fitness activities are included to help students build self-confidence and improve the overall quality of their life. Students experience activities that help them build a lifelong active lifestyle. All physical wellness classes incorporate fitness testing such as the mile run, push up test, sit up test, and flexibility.
Dance and Fitness
9th-12th grades
One Semester
VPAA credit for this course
This course is a combination of dance (ballet, jazz, and student choreography) and fitness activities. Students will experience a variety of fitness activities along with learning different styles of dance. An informal performance at the end of the semester is a requirement for this class to earn credit. It can also be used as a prerequisite to Dance II by earning a B+ or higher. All physical wellness classes incorporate fitness testing such as the mile run, push up test, sit up test, and flexibility.
Dance II - Performance Dance Choreography
2nd Semester only
Required background course: Dance and Fitness with a “B+” or higher.
9th-12th grades
One Semester
VPAA Credit for this course
Students perform on stage in the Performing Arts Center (PAC). Students should be able to demonstrate 25 dance skills and several choreographic principles learned in Dance & Fitness. They will be introduced to more advanced skills and be expected to break down the music into patterns to create performances utilizing those skills and the elements of dance: space, time, force. Students will be required to perform at the end of the term for credit in the class. All physical wellness classes incorporate fitness testing such as the mile run, push up test, sit up test, and flexibility.
Emergency First Aid/Lifeguard Training & Aquatics
9th-12th grades
One Semester
When offered, students will learn how to react in emergency situations in the water and on land. Students will also learn how to prevent and treat injuries, and develop the basic swimming and fitness skills necessary to be a lifeguard and a healthy individual. Proficient swimming skills are necessary to perform the swimming rescues. This course will offer Red Cross certification to those students who successfully complete the skills and written requirements for Lifeguard Training, CPR, and Emergency First Aid. All are conducted according to the American Red Cross curriculum. There will be an optional course fee of $40.00 for those interested in obtaining the Red Cross certification card.