Early College
South Ottawa County Early College @ W.O.H.S.
West Ottawa High School is excited to be able to offer our students participation in the South Ottawa County Early College (SOCEC) program in partnership with Muskegon Community College. The SOCEC program allows selected high school students to extend high school by one year in order to earn both their high school diploma and up to 62 college credits from Muskegon Community College at no cost to the student.
The South Ottawa County Early College is designed to prepare students for the rigors of a top-tier university and the demands of the workplace once they graduate. All students begin to enroll in college coursework during grade 11, earning 12-13 credits. During their 12th grade year, students will take 22-24 college credits, and during their 13th year, students will take up to 24 college credits and complete their final high school requirement and/or math class. Students should also plan on taking at least 1-summer class (3 credits) as well (either between 11th and 12th or the 12th and 13th year). Students have full access to the tutoring and counseling services provided at Muskegon Community College.
Highlights of the South Ottawa County Early College Program include: Opportunities for students to take college level classes while still attending their high school and maintaining the ability to participate in their high school activities. Students are able to partake in almost all college campus activities and have access to college academic assistance as needed.

For more information on the South Ottawa County Early College program, please contact Mrs. Barnes, the West Ottawa High School SOCEC Coordinator, in the Counseling Office and review the Early College Presentation.