Careerline Tech Center

Through a partnership with the Ottawa Area Intermediate School District (OAISD), many West Ottawa students receive Career Technical Education through the Careerline Tech Center (CTC). Local school districts within the OAISD, like West Ottawa, send 11th and 12th grade students to the CTC for half-day programming. In order to be eligible for CTC programming, students must:
be on-track to graduate
be able to fit all graduation requirements into their course plan
have an expressed an interest in their chosen program
fill out all applicable application(s)
be accepted into a program at the CTC (as spaces are limited in each of the programs)
Careerline Tech Center applications normally open up in the middle of January and are generally accepted through through the beginning of February, though the exact application window is shared with students at school.
More information on Careerline Tech Center programming can be found at:
Information on CTC programming by pathway can be found at:
The link to the CTC application (general application window is mid-January through early February) can be found at:
*** click on the + at the bottom of the page where it says, "Careerline Tech Center Online Enrollment Process" to access the link within the process.