English Classes

Newcomer ELA

Newcomer ELA is for newcomer English learners. This course provides students with beginner exposure to English in the areas of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Assessments and instruction incorporate strategies for meeting the needs of students that are beginning language learners and are aligned with the Common Core State Standards and National Geographic's Fundamentals. Enrollment in Fundamentals is dependent upon WIDA scores and teacher recommendation.

Newcomer ESL

Description is forthcoming

Sheltered ELA 1

Sheltered ELA 1 for English learners is a year-long required course. The course provides students with a broad experience in the areas of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Assessments and instruction incorporate strategies for meeting the needs of students that are language learners and are aligned with the Common Core State Standards and National Geographic's Edge, level A.

Sheltered ELA 2

Sheltered ELA 2 for language learners is a year-long required course in the ELA curriculum which focuses on a variety of literature, including short stories, nonfiction, poetry, an assigned novel, and novels of student choice. They will learn to evaluate text, expand personal beliefs, and determine the importance of empowering people through knowledge. This semester-long course also focuses on the research process. This coursewill develop the student's reading and writing skills, aligned with the Common Core State Standards and National Geographic's Edge, level B.

Sheltered ELA 3

Sheltered ELA 3 is a year-long required course in the ELA curriculum tailored for English Learner students. This class focuses on a variety of literature, including short stories, nonfiction, poetry, and and novels. This course will develop the student's reading and writing skills, aligned with the Common Core State Standards and National Geographic's Edge, level B and other Board approved materials.

English 1

English 1 is a two semester course required for graduation.   With English 1, students learn to connect fiction and non-fiction to themselves, to the world, and to other texts. By the end of the English 1, students are expected to read at or near grade-level, to be able to use literature and non-fiction to support opinions, and to write clearly in a variety of genres so they can readily move on to English 2. Many students enter English 1 claiming they do not like to read, but most of them leave with a renewed love of books.

English 1, Honors

English 1 Honors is a course designed for students who are able to work independently and handle a more rigorous workload at an accelerated pace. Honors students are required to read three books the summer before beginning the class; the student selects one of the three books and the two others are assigned. Instruction takes place in a competitive academic environment and it is the expectation that students will complete work that consistently meets or exceeds expectations, turn in all work on time, and demonstrate proficiency in the basic language areas. Students in the honors course will be expected to complete assignments and achieve objectives in addition to those of English I. 

Honors Summer Reading Assignment 

English 2

English II is a two-term required course in the English Language Arts curriculum.  Students must pass English I (both A and B) to enroll in English II.  The goal for this course is to continue to build a solid foundation of knowledge, skills, and strategies that will be refined, applied, and extended as students engage in more complex ideas, texts, and tasks.  In English II, students will read texts from the canon of American Literature, including classic and contemporary narrative and informational texts.  English II students will connect with and respond to texts through critical response and stance.  They will learn to evaluate for validity and quality, to balance and expand their perspectives promoting empathy, social action, and appropriate use of power.  Critical response and stance offers students the lens to assess and modify their beliefs, views of the world, and how they have the power to impact them.

English 2, Honors

This course is designed for the self-motivated student who desires a more in-depth handling of the material covered in the general English II course.  Instruction takes place in a competitive academic environment with the expectation that students will complete work that consistently meets or exceeds expectations, turn in all work on time, and demonstrate proficiency in the basic language arts developmental areas.  This course moves at an accelerated pace.  Students in the honors course will be expected to complete assignments and achieve objectives in addition to those of English II. *Note: Students must complete summer reading and writing in order to enroll in Honors English 2.

English 2 Honors Summer Reading Assignment (must be part of the Google Classroom / enrolled in course to view)

English 3

English III is a required course in the English Language Arts curriculum.  Students must pass English I (both A and B) and English II (A and B) to enroll in this course.  The goal for English III is to continue to build a solid foundation of knowledge, skills, and strategies that will be refined, applied, and extended as students engage in more complex ideas, texts, and tasks.  English III focuses on readings in world literature. In English III, students will build on the basic writing skills learned in English I and English II, continuing to improve their writing in narrative, informative, and argumentative genres, expand their knowledge of research and documentation and develop public speaking and presentation skills. Students will read a variety of both fiction and nonfiction texts with a special focus on preparation for the SAT exam in the spring.

English 4 

Students may choose two courses from the list below.  Students may take two literature and composition courses (Column A) OR one literature and composition course (Column A) and one composition course (Column B) to fulfill the English 4 graduation requirement.


American Experience

American Experience is the study of American literature.  We explore what it means to be an American, how literature can reflect a country's ideals, what literature can teach us about our ideals, and how we can overcome obstacles.  We read short stories, poetry, nonfiction, and plays.  This course is designed for students who need additional help in an English course with teacher support.  It is very structured and helps students improve reading and writing skills for use beyond high school.

Major goals for the student:

1.     Increase each student’s interest in reading about ideas that are a part of everyday American life.

2.     Recognize that literature reflects the life of the American culture:  its beliefs, values, and traditions.

3.     Discover values which shape each student’s personal existence.

4.     Respond to readings about American life in a variety of ways.

5.     Use all steps of the writing process when writing about literature.

6.     Practice and refine reading comprehension skills.


British Literature

This course surveys the contributions of major British writers and develops an appreciation and understanding of significant selections in British literature. Students analyze literature thoughtfully and recognize the influence of British writers on world literature.

Major goals for the student:

1. Understand the chronology of ideas within a series of classical writings in British literature.

2. Study significant British writers who expressed the values, traditions, and thinking of each historical period—from the Anglo Saxon period to modern times.

3. Recognize the impact that British writing has had on the writing of the world.

4. Analyze literature objectively, understanding that writers’ reactions to their changing worlds are personal and emotional.

5. Use the writing process to respond thoughtfully and effectively to literature.

Freelan$e Writing 

This writing-intensive course that teaches students how to write for online clients in the lucrative world of freelance writing. Students will learn to write product descriptions, blogs, content for websites, and product reviews. They will learn to effectively communicate with clients. They will also work on earning certification in Inbound Marketing through Hubspot. They will also build an "About Me" website to use as an online resume. The ultimate goal is for students to get hired as freelance writers. 

Major goals for the student:


This course surveys a variety of answers to the question, "What does it mean to be human?" Answers are found in literature, art, music, and philosophy. Students examine historical and contemporary issues and explore various viewpoints. The Humanities course may be used as an English Language Arts or Social Studies half-credit.

Major goals for the student:


This reading-intensive course is open to students who expect to attend college and who read at grade level or above. Literature selections include Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, Oedipus Rex, and Edith Hamilton’s Mythology.

Major goals for the student:

Reading and Writing Workshop

This course offers students of all ability levels the opportunity to read and respond to literature of all genres. Based on an individual’s ability, he or she may select fiction and nonfiction that have personal appeal. Conferencing, journaling, and student-driven contracts are among the methods used for accountability and evaluation.

 Major goals for the student:

AP English Language and Composition

This course is designed to be the equivalent of a college freshman English and writing course.  With a curriculum approved by the Advanced Placement Board, this class not only prepares students to take the Advanced Placement Language and Composition exam, but the course also teaches strategies for advanced rhetorical analyses, hones students’ writing skills, and makes them more aware of the nuances of language and argument.  Through our close study of both classic and contemporary nonfiction pieces, students will:

Major goals for the student:

Extensive writing, reading, grammar study, and independent thought are expectations of this accelerated course. *Note: Students must complete summer reading and writing in order to enroll in AP English Language and Composition.

AP English Language and Composition Summer Reading Requirements

AP English Language and Composition Syllabus

AP English Literature and Composition

This course offers a comprehensive study of major world and British writers and prepares students to take the AP Literature and Composition Exam. Students will develop skills in literary and social criticism and study the advanced levels of writing style and technique that will be important for college. *Note: Students must complete summer reading and writing in order to enroll in AP English Literature and Composition.

Major goals for the student:

AP English Literature and Composition Summer Reading

AP English Literature and Composition Syllabus


IB English HL

English 1 and 2 (HL) are required for all students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (DP).  Students enrolled will take this comprehensive study of World Literature during their junior and senior years, culminating with the IB exams in May.  Students will read and thoughtfully analyze literature from different cultures, languages and time periods with an understanding that even through this diversity we recognize universality in the human condition.  Assessments will be both internal and external and involve both written and oral analysis.  The works of literature are recommended by the International Baccalaureate Organization and comparable to college level texts and, as such, contain mature themes and language.

IB English Summer Reading List 

Creative Writing

This writing-intensive course emphasizes the writing process and develops skills in writing prose and poetry.  Students are encouraged to use imaginative language, fresh ideas, and divergent thinking; to view the world from a different perspective; and to develop the writer’s voice.

Major goals for the student:


Expository Writing

This course is designed for students who are intending to continue their education in community college or other college programs. This course is designed for students who need additional help in an English course with teacher support. The goal of the course is to strengthen student writing for the next level beyond high school by exploring different purposes for writing and analyzing models of effective writing in various formats. Students work through all steps of the writing process. Emphasis is on developing students’ ability to write organized and focused essays with strong details. Grammar is individualized based on each student’s strengths and weaknesses. PLEASE NOTE: Expository Writing and Advanced Expository Writing cannot both be taken for credit. Students must choose one or the other depending on the writing skills they need to work on and their post-high school goals.

Major goals for the student:

1. Organization, focus, and details in different types of essays.

2. Be able to recognize and construct an effective paragraph.

3. Develop the ability to compare and contrast, define, and analyze.

4. Study various forms of writing style for different purposes.

5. Learn and practice the techniques of academic research and documentation.

6. Develop an independent technique for planning, drafting, and revising formal writing.

7. Practice writing in various forms for use beyond high school including: informative writing, persuasive writing, descriptive writing, and business writing.


Advanced Expository Writing

This course prepares students for the demands of college writing by exploring different purposes for writing and analyzing models of effective writing in various formats. Students work through all steps of the writing process. Emphasis is on developing students’ research skills, writing styles, and voice.

Major goals for the student:

PLEASE NOTE: Expository Writing and Advanced Expository Writing cannot both be taken for credit. Students must choose one or the other depending on the writing skills they need to work on and their post-high school goals.

 Journalistic Writing

This course is run like a business, with students in charge of producing our online newspaper: thewestottawan.com. This class gives students the chance to write for a real audience. Students decide the content of the paper and make editorial decisions.  Annually, journalism students win awards at the state journalism competition.

Advanced Broadcast Journalism 

This course gives students the opportunity to polish their broadcast journalism skills through a variety of advanced projects.  Significant time will be spent on the process of planning videos and programs, including writing and research.  Students will compile all of their work on a personally created web presence.  Students will at times have the ability to focus work on a specific skill or area of interest for contests, college admittance, and/or scholarships.

Major goals for the student:


General Elective Classes Offered by The English Department

Introduction to Broadcast Journalism

This course is designed to introduce students to the techniques and disciplines associated with video editing, video storytelling, and video production. Students will be introduced to broadcast journalism through assignments grounded in research, writing, speaking, and technology.  Students will become critical viewers, consumers, and producers of media. Students will gain technical experience in the WOBN broadcast studio.  Students may only take this course one time.

Major goals for the student:


Broadcast Journalism (WOBN)

WOBN team members will become critical viewers and producers of media.  This course offers instruction and experience in the techniques and disciplines associated with video news and production.  Students will produce West Ottawa High School's daily news programming and perform every job . Students will serve on production crews for various events. The ability to meet deadlines is essential. 

Major goals for the student:

Major goals for the student:

Debate (when offered)

This course focuses on the development of the following skills: public speaking, interpersonal communications, research techniques, analysis of information, processing and responding to arguments, reading and writing analogies, and “flowing” (the recording of an argument in a systematic manner).  The course requires the student to work with a partner in research and problem solving activities.  The course also provides students with the opportunity to analyze problems and develop plans of action leading to effective solutions.  The student will be exposed to a variety of debate styles, including policy debate and legislative debate. Debate encourages students to think with logical structure and to speak in a direct and convincing manner.

Students in this class will be expected to speak often in front of the class and other audience.

Major goals for the student:

More information about Debate


Advanced Debate (when offered)

This course is designed for students interested in participating in competitive debate.  Through the course, students will increase their knowledge and skills in debate theory, debate techniques, and methods of becoming successful competitors.  Students should expect to travel to tournament in order to assess their debate skills and to hone their techniques.  The class will improve their skills in research, argument construction, speaking style, and forms of refutation.  Students enrolling in this class will be expected to participate as members of the West Ottawa High School Debate Team and may be expected to attend an appropriate number of debate tournaments during a semester.

Major goals for the student:


Theater I/Forensics (when offered)

This creative course provides instruction and practice in stage acting and in the interpretation of literature.  Actual performances in front of other students are a part of this class.  Students must be able to work well with others on theater games and class participation.

Major goals for the student:


Theater II/Forensics (when offered)

This advanced theater course prepares students to enter a college theater program with the skills needed to succeed in both the technical and performance areas.  Emphasis will be on critical reading and performance of dramatic literature and stage acting and public speaking.  Students will be expected to create and deliver a sales speech and an informative speech. The academic expectations and work load of this class are high.  Repeating Theater II students will focus on the design and performances of the Theatre Caravan production.

Major goals for the student: